Ishaan Gupta

Why Should You Hire An Offshore Developer: Pros And Cons

Are you planning to hire offshore developers? But before recruiting them, it is crucial to know the pros and cons. Don't worry! We have got everything covered.
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Offshore development services are gaining a lot of attention from businesses globally. Maybe it has helped many companies get what they expected at a lower cost. Moreover, other reasons also make offshore developers a suitable choice. 

In the past few years, businesses have experienced a significant shortage of software developers. While the reason is unknown, they constantly search for better services at reasonable prices. That is how hiring offshore developers have become more prominent. 
Still, some businesses hesitate while taking such a step. Why? Because there are some drawbacks as well. In this article, we will provide you with all the pros and cons of hiring offshore developers. So you can decide what is best for you. 

What Are Offshore Developers? 

Offshore developers are professionals working remotely for various businesses spread across different regions or countries. Some work individually, while others work with a team of an outsourcing company.

Offshore developers offer software development services to a diverse range of companies. Due to this, they gain more expertise in the field, unlike other software developers. It is one of the reasons why companies hire them. 

The demand for offshore developers has increased as companies find a shortage of software developers. Unfortunately, this shortage has also increased the overall cost of getting the services. The most significant benefit of choosing offshore development is that it is reasonable. So, startup companies usually hire offshore developers for software development-related tasks.

Have you ever thought about why offshore developers cost less? They live in countries where the salaries and cost of living are inexpensive. It allows companies in other countries or regions to receive services at a low price. 

To hire offshore developers, you must consume all the information about them. Even though it is a good option, you need to understand the cons as well. Let's now discuss the pros and cons of hiring offshore developers. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Hiring Offshore Developers?

Before hiring offshore developers, it is crucial to comprehend the pros and cons. 

Pros Of Hiring Offshore Developers 
Get Services At A Budget 

One of the best advantages of hiring offshore developers is their overall cost. You can save a lot of money by recruiting them for your projects. Different countries have different prices regarding offshore development services. So, make sure to research in detail before choosing a particular one. 

Also, note that not every region has affordable development services. For instance, in the US, offshore software developers usually demand $60-$200 for every hour. It might be a little bit expensive for startup companies. 

Companies should always set up a budget before starting their search. Sometimes, a budget helps a lot in making the right decision. 

Get Experienced Professionals 

Almost all offshore development services have experienced professionals. As they work on various projects, they have a higher potential. In other words, there is a vast talent pool, and you can access the same if you hire offshore developers. 

Offshore professionals can handle even complicated tasks. And you don't need to provide them with guidance. But if you recruit software developers, you might have to put much effort into explaining everything. 

Offshore developers understand the client's needs and work accordingly. This quality makes them unique from others. You can also benefit from this fact by using their services for your company. 

Better Flexibility 

Flexibility is a significant thing to achieve for companies when working on big projects. As offshore developers are located in different regions, you can decide the deadlines accordingly. Sometimes, this difference helps in speeding up the entire development process. This way, you can check their work and get timely delivery.  

Improved Scalability 

If you want to improve scalability, you should consider offshore development. The process of building a product requires time and effort. A simple mistake can create problems in the procedure. That is why the team of developers must know how to interact well. 

Startup businesses experience a lot of scalability issues. When they hire part-time software developers, they fail to collaborate with full-time employees. In this situation, offshore developers are ideal because they understand their team deeply. As a result, the scalability increases along with a high quality of work. 

Fast Product Development 

Startup companies always need faster product development. The primary reason is that they have to market their products quickly. This way, they can attract customers within a short period and also leave their competitors behind. 

Another benefit of offshore development is that they ensure fast product development. It helps many businesses to reach potential customers to gain attention. Besides, you can rely on these professionals to provide quality services and products. 

Improved Productivity 

Every company wants to enhance productivity to perform well in the market. But that is only possible if you have suitable professionals on your team. Offshore developers contribute significantly to increasing the productivity of various companies. They are trained enough to deliver high-quality products on time. 

You need to choose the perfect agency to hire offshore developers. You can do the same by consuming some information regarding their precious projects. Besides, you can also ask their previous customers to provide a detailed review of their services. 

Focus On Other Tasks 

Excellent services of offshore developers allow businesses to focus on tasks other than software development. Software development involves the use of time, effort, and resources. That is why it is always better to consider outsourcing than hiring full-time employees.

However, following this strategy is more beneficial for startups. Big companies can still afford full-time software developers. And they have the freedom to either use offshore development or not. Different departments can concentrate on their work without any intricacies. 

Reduce The Management Burden 

Managing a team of full-time software developers is a challenging task for startups. They have to take care of everything- from their compensation to training. So, it is better to get the services from an offshore development agency or offshore developers. 


Offshore developers usually have a fixed rate, but companies can negotiate. Additionally, there is no role of the business to provide them with training or other job benefits. As a result, they can reduce the burden of managing a large team of employees. 

Better Maintenance Of Software Applications 

You must hire offshore developers to maintain the newly created applications for a long time. These professionals can do every little task with perfection. So you won't regret choosing them. 

After the successful creation of an application, maintenance is a crucial thing. Without maintaining the application, you cannot expect good results. But if you have incorporated outsourcing, you can trust offshore developers to maintain the applications in the future. That is how you can attract more potential customers to grow your company. 

Cons Of Hiring Offshore Developers 

Language And Communication Barriers 

The most common problem with offshoring development is language barriers. As offshore developers live in different countries, you might face issues when communicating with them. Due to this, it becomes even more challenging to work effectively and efficiently.

Even though various tools are available for translation, the entire procedure is too complex. It takes a lot of time and effort. So, it is not a suitable option for many companies. The only way to get rid of this issue is to find offshore developers who are proficient in English. 

Varied Time Zones

Another problem that many businesses face is the difference in time zones. Due to this, many companies cannot schedule meetings with offshore developers. 

Building software applications comes up with different concerns. There is a constant need to interact with the offshore developer reading the issues. But due to varied time zones, both parties cannot connect. As a result, it causes a significant delay in completing the projects. 

Cultural Differences 

People from different countries also have different cultures. Sometimes, offshore development fails because of cultural differences between professionals and clients. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fix this problem. 

Cultures play a significant role in the thoughts of a person regarding work. That is why companies don't understand offshore developers' way of working and vice-versa. It is impossible to work with professionals having varied beliefs. And a lot of disputes might occur due to cultu


What Are The Tips To Hire Suitable Offshore Developers? 

You can quickly find suitable offshore developers by following these tips- 

Search Online Platforms 

Numerous online platforms and websites provide recruiting services to companies. The primary purpose of these platforms is to assist both companies and professionals in getting what they except. All you have to do is pick a reliable option and proceed—two examples are Upwork and Freelancer. 

Check The Profiles 

You must always check the candidate's profile before setting up an interview. The portfolio or resume might provide more details about their work. So, go through them carefully and then decide on a particular one. Checking the profiles is always better because it reduces the risk of landing on an unreliable agency or professional. 

Select From Referrals 

Referrals are a must to check if you are looking for potential candidates. You can spread the message that you're searching for offshore developers in your network. This way, you might end up getting some highly-skilled professionals. The best thing is that you can get an honest review regarding their work from your family, friends, and colleagues. 

Interview Potential Candidates 

Some companies make the mistake of interviewing people once they apply for the same. It takes a lot of time and effort to be in such a situation. You can eliminate this by choosing only a few candidates from various options for the interview round. It is a perfect way of recruitment and works well for every type of business. 

Check Their Background 

You must also check their background to determine if they seem dangerous. You can analyze their identity cards and more to find a perfect option. 

The Takeaway 

The offshore development industry is growing significantly as more businesses are considering it. There are many benefits to hiring offshore developers for diverse projects. But along with benefits, there are some downsides as well. The only way you can choose an option is by understanding your needs and requirements. If they match with the pros, you can proceed. Otherwise, you can find other ways to get software development services. 


What Does An Offshore Developer Do?

An offshore developer builds software applications by working remotely for an outside company. They usually live in a different country or region where wages are comparatively low. 

Why Should You Hire Offshore Developers?

You should hire offshore developers because they offer many advantages. These include cost savings, improved scalability, increased productivity, better maintenance of applications, and more. 

How To Find The Best Offshore Developers? 

You can find offshore developers by following some straightforward tips. Some of the best ones are searching online, looking for referrals, interviewing potential candidates, and testing their skills. 

Are Offshore Developers Expensive To Hire?

No, offshore developers are not expensive to hire. But some countries have high offshore development costs. Therefore, you should always research the country before finding offshore developers. 

Ishaan Gupta

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