Ishaan Gupta

What Is The Importance of MERN Stack In 2023?

Is MERN stack in demand in 2023? Everything supports dynamic app development, from its database to the React library. Read on to learn all about the MERN stack.
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MERN stack is gaining popularity among full-stack developers due to its scalability and ease of use. While asking if MERN stack is in demand, one should first consider all the resources it helps a developer with. From a database to frameworks, MERN works on JavaScript, adding convenience and uniformity to a project. It is helpful for developers as well as employers in saving time and money. A developer can develop full-stack web applications through the MERN stack, from UI rendering to database management. 

What Is MERN Stack?

MERN stack is a package of four technologies for quicker and more efficient web application development. It is used across the globe by developers who want to access tools via JavaScript only during the web application development process. Since a full stack developer operates both the front and the back end, the MERN stack is all the more helpful. 

For instance, the back-end development uses a database, while the front-end processing requires a framework. Therefore, creating a web application using MERN is helpful because it includes a database and a library with frameworks for front and back-end development. Furthermore, it is beneficial for beginners as they only have to learn JavaScript (or JSON) to navigate through all the tools in the MERN stack.

What Does MERN Stack Do?

MERN stack makes web application development easier and more efficient. It consists of four open-source programs with community backing, all based on JavaScript. MERN is an acronym which makes up the names of the programs it consists of. These are as follows:


MongoDB is described as a modern database on its official website. It is scalable and fast and offers easy database management irrespective of the project size. 


Express.js is based on Node.js and provides optimum performance for web application development. However, it is primarily used for single-page web applications. 


React is used at the front end and helps create interactive web applications. In addition, it helps create projects that are unique and require new source code rather than relying on existing frameworks. 


Node.js is a fast back-end development tool which is used for complex web applications. A runtime environment enables a developer to create a website that will run across platforms.

Why Is MERN Stack Important?

While there is no shortage of databases or frameworks in the industry, there is a reason why the MERN stack is highly preferred by developers worldwide. MERN stack and MEAN stack have similar compositions with one marked difference. While the MEAN stack employs the Angular framework, the MERN stack uses the React library. React library is preferable because it allows developers to be creative with their programs and create something unique without necessarily following a predefined framework. MERN stack is an essential addition to the full-stack web development community because of the following reasons:

It Saves Time And Money

It is helpful for developers to save time while developing a web application if they use the MERN stack and are well-versed in all the features of the programs. Since all programs are based on JavaScript, it is helpful to create a web application without switching languages or creating different codes for the front and back ends. From the point of view of an employer, the MERN stack would save money as they would need to hire developers familiar with JavaScript. Since all programs use JavaScript, the necessary expertise must be in related programs that the MERN stack offers.

Open Source Tech

All the programs in the MERN stack are open-source technologies. It is extremely convenient for developers to use open-source technologies during the processing stage. Whether it is MongoDB or React, the programs are supported by large communities with members around the world. One key benefit of strong community backing is the ease with which you can seek solutions for an existing problem. Chances are, someone went through something similar and fixed it earlier. In addition, numerous portals for communicating and sharing code among developers exist. 

Better UI Rendering

Front-end development is all about UI and UX. React is a library that enables a developer to create codes that are unique to the projects and cater specifically to the client's demands. Compared to the AngularJS framework of MEAN stack, React allows for more creativity and customisation options from the developers. In addition, React is good with layer abstraction, which is an advantage over using just another framework like Angular.

How To Learn MERN Stack?

Learning a new skill may be demanding, but it will be rewarding when you enter the job market. MERN stack is popular because it offers employers a simplified way of hiring potential employees. As a developer, being familiar with some of the most popular technologies is essential, some of which are in the MERN stack. Here is how you can start learning the MERN stack:

Start With The Front End

If you have to begin somewhere, begin with the front end. It would help if you began by learning front-end development languages such as HTML and CSS. HTML is the base on which the general appearance of a website depends. From fonts to colours, HTML helps create the basic structure for a web application. CSS helps in managing the layout of the webpage. 

While HTML decides the basics, CSS is responsible for implementing and adjusting the layout according to the user's devices. JavaScript is another front-end language that makes it more dynamic and efficient. For example, a website that requires audio and visual media display would require Javascript. In addition to the languages, you should be familiar with front-end development tools like Sass, Git, Bootstrap and VS (Visual Studio) Code. 

Learn About Web Design

Web design is all about making a website more engaging. While the front end primarily focuses on UI/UX, it also takes care of the aesthetics of a website. For instance, a website not only needs to be compatible across devices, but it also needs to be easy to navigate and pleasant to look at. Web design allows developers to make aesthetically pleasing changes and create a dynamically responsive website.

Be Familiar With React

React is not just a framework; it is a library. You can begin your learning process through the React website. It gives any visitor a chance to go through the basic details and also offers a tutorial. If you want to learn the MERN stack, you must familiarise yourself with React. Luckily, there is no shortage of online resources like videos, tutorials and books to help you. Finding video instructions and open portals for community support can help you become familiar with React in no time. 

Jump To The Back End

The back end is the next step towards learning the MERN stack. Except for React, the remaining three components help in back web development. Node.js helps in the scalability and performance of the website. It also helps make the application run faster as it itself is based on the Chrome V8 engine. While NodeJS is used for complex projects, Express.js is used for single-page apps. It allows for simplicity and complexity without having to switch stacks. Express.js works with Node.js and has key features like an application programming interface and lightweight architecture. If efficiency is the priority, Node.js and Express.js are extremely helpful. 

Databases are crucial in back-end development because the website needs to return meaningful data while running at high speeds. Database management is an aspect of back-end web development which deals with accessing and storing data. MongoDB is a database system which is based on NoSQL. The main benefit of using MongoDB is that it can deal with large amounts of data with ease. It means that the size of the project will not prove to be a hindrance while using MongoDB. 

Use Resources

Learning about the front and the back end is the base on which full-stack development depends. While you need to learn the basics, it is also vital to be aware of how to apply them effectively. For instance, you need to know where to use a tool you just learned about during the web development process. 

There are numerous online resources available, like open portals, visual tutorials and eBooks. Additionally, there are boot camps, crash courses, and degree courses for learning more about full-stack development. However, if you want expertise in the MERN stack, you can also opt for self-study and take up some personal projects to gain experience and new additions to your portfolio. 

Is MERN Stack High In Demand?

Any front or back-end developer looking to transition into full-stack can begin with the MERN stack. It is in high demand because of its simplicity and scalability. Additionally, it requires the use of JavaScript across all of its programs. A front-end developer would have relative ease as they are already familiar with the programming language. A back-end developer can also transition easily because the MERN stack supports three back-end development tools for faster computing. 

In addition to the ease of transition, there is substantial community backing for all the tools. All the open-source programs are widely popular irrespective of their place in the MERN stack. The applicability of these programs helps in creating a community which would aid and assist when you hit a wall during a project. For employers, the MERN stack is in high demand because it reduces the need for varied expertise and requires the knowledge of JavaScript and the four programs in MERN. 

The Takeaway

MERN stack is essential in 2023 and in high demand because of its wide application in the web development community. It is used for its ease and dynamic nature. Additionally, the MERN stack is the complete package that features both front and back-end development. Any beginner can learn the MERN stack through self-study or a boot camp without spending years gaining expertise. For a front or back-end developer, the job becomes even more accessible. MERN stack allows for—the transition to full stack developer to become flexible and convenient.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is The MERN Stack Worth Learning?

MERN stack is worth learning by beginner and experienced developers alike. It is dynamic, easy to use, flexible and fast. Due to its high demand in the industry, the MERN stack is sought after by employers and developers. 

Is MERN Stack Easy To Learn?

MERN stack is easy to learn for an individual who wants to become a full-stack developer. The entire stack is based on JavaScript and requires basic familiarity with the front and the back end. You can learn by directly applying your skills to a project and increasing your comfort with the tools. 

Is MERN Stack And Full Stack The Same?

MERN stack and full stack are the same and yet different. There can be many full stacks, and MERN is one of them. It has three tiers that any full-stack must have. A full stack has a front-end tier (here, React), an application tier (here, Node and Express) and a database tier (here, MongoDB). 

Ishaan Gupta

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