Ishaan Gupta

How To Offboard Remote Developers

Do you want to hire remote software developers? Learn about the onboarding and offboarding process for the best employee experience.
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The reliance on tech is increasing by the minute. And so is the need for software developers who can contribute to a tech business. Remote developers may be based on a diff location but they are just as crucial as those employees who come to work every day. Onboarding remote employees is through digital mode, where they learn the details about the work. Only after understanding the company and their job responsibilities can these employees contribute fully to the organization. The offboarding process is when the professional relationship ends. The remote onboarding experience helps you understand your shortcomings as an employer. It can also help in improving the work culture and practices. 

What Are Remote Developers?

Remote developers are software developers and engineers who will work in different locations. Working remotely is no longer a far-fetched idea after the pandemic. Many organizations are already taking advantage of remote employees to boost productivity. The type of work a remote developer can do does not vary from any other software developer working from the office.

The main difference is that a remote developer can work from a different site than the office. They can work through their home or from the client's location. Remote developers are even more common in the IT industry when you consider outsourcing. The developers you choose for the job may be based outside your city. They can even be from another country. You can choose the right software developers based on your client's requirements, project duration, and budget. 

How To Find Remote Developers?

You can find remote developers through online portals or a managed services team. Remote developers can boost your productivity without increasing costs. You can opt for a full-time employee working from a different location. If you want to find a full-time employee, go through your designated hiring channel and open the application to candidates from all over the world. Get your hiring team involved and start onboarding as you would for an on-site employee. Hiring remote developers through third-party websites like Pesto may also help, as they have a more extensive database you can use. 

For hiring part-time employees, it is best to establish the base qualities you require in a developer. Understanding how outsourcing can help your business is the first step towards finding the right developers. You can find remote developers through portals for job hunting. Freelance developers might be on a different platform than those who are looking for full-time employment. Finding options is easy as there are plenty of potential employees online. However, you should know how to select the right one from all available applicants.

Quality And Productivity 

The quality of the project can directly impact the reputation of your business. While hiring remote workers, it is crucial to establish how stringent you are with your quality control standards. Working on-site gives you an insight into the workings of the company. The same is absent through the screen. Making sure that the quality is not impacted just because of the location should be a consideration.

Remote software developers are trained professionals with some experience under their belt. They will deliver your project on time. However, it is also possible that working remotely adversely impacts their productivity. Therefore, it is better to find developers with prior remote work experience and a good track record of honoring their commitments.

Technical Skills 

Every project may require diverse technical skills. For instance, a web app development project might require a team of full-stack developers, front-end developers, and back-end developers. The skills of these developers are directly related to web development. It would be helpful to know which programming languages they are comfortable with. 

You can also ask about their expertise in frameworks and databases to see how they can fit into your team. It is vital that the developers feel involved with the project so that they can give their best. Apart from the general technical skills, it would help if you also asked how they have applied those skills in the past. Please take a look at their portfolio and also their educational background. 

Soft Skills

While technical skills are non-negotiable, soft skills are essential for remote work. A call or a written medium is the main communication channel with a remote employee. If they are good at communicating, it can help your progress. They should also be ready to learn new things on the job. Your work culture and practices may be different from what they are used to. It is helpful to be open and ready for challenges. Being ready for any new project with good time management is vital. 

To deliver within deadlines, remote employees must always keep themselves motivated. They will need to strike a balance between self-motivation and time management. In addition to all skills mentioned above, one should remember problem-solving. While dealing with software, it is possible to hit a roadblock occasionally. A problem-solving approach can provide a positive outlook and help create something better.  

What Is Remote Onboarding?

Remote onboarding is allowing a new addition to your organization to get to know your work culture. The onboarding process is like boarding a place where you get to know about your seat and what to do as you reach your destination. Remote onboarding will likely take place through the digital media. It should include all the details an employee should know before they begin work. 

Full-time remote employees should always go through the onboarding process to understand the daily operations and responsibilities. It not only provides employees with important information about work but also familiarizes them with protocols and procedures. For developers, onboarding should also include the tools and technologies they will primarily use. It is an initiation process that can go on for a couple of days or up to a week depending on the job role. Above all, it should make the new hire feel welcome to the organization so that they can feel like part of the team.

How Does Remote Onboarding Work?

Remote onboarding works to instill a feeling of loyalty in new employees. Working on-site allows every employee to look at the inner workings of a company up close. It is not possible through a remote medium. While communication can help relay important information, it is essential that the new employee also feels like a cog in the machine. The HR department is responsible for implementing a welcoming onboarding process. It is important for employee retention too. 

For instance, consider the perspective of a new full-time employee hired for remote work. He is not given a proper orientation and is not clear about the objectives of the company. Rather than seeing the big picture, the employee is expected to complete his work every day before logging off. Not only will the job become tiring, but there would also be no loyalty to retain the said employee. He will likely switch jobs the first chance he gets at a better offer.

On the other hand, consider an employee who is given a proper orientation. He understands his company's objective and knows his role in helping the company achieve its goals. He understands the work culture and is motivated intrinsically to complete his day's work before logging off. The employee is less likely to switch jobs due to the positive work culture. Remote onboarding ensures engagement from the start so a new employee can feel valued and welcome into the organization. 

The onboarding process may be brief but is also vital for part-time employees. If they understand the importance of the project, they are more likely to stay involved throughout. It will ensure productivity and also good performance. 

What Is Remote Offboarding?

Remote offboarding is the opposite of the onboarding process. Offboarding is when a person finally reaches their destination and needs to get off the plane. For a company, it is when an employee decides to leave or is told by the employer to leave. The offboarding process leads up to the last day of the employee. It will help the company with future retention and better productivity if done correctly. 

Offboarding for remote employees will be completed digitally and hence requires careful planning. Usually, a company asks for a survey or an interview to understand the working experience better. You need the details on record in order to improve on any existing shortcomings. For remote employees, creating a survey that only takes up a little of their time is better. They are likely to engage with the offboarding process if it helps them leave on good terms. For the company, the employees need to leave on good terms. Any organization can suffer reputation loss from every employee who left their job due to dissatisfaction.

Additionally, you also need to ensure that there will be no data leakage. Signing an NDA helps with data security; however, it is best to mitigate any future problems. For remote employees, it is also possible that they were working on company equipment. Fixing a day for the collection of office equipment is also necessary. You cannot expect a remote employee to make their way to your primary location. 

How Does Remote Offboarding Work?

Remote offboarding works on three accounts, understanding what went wrong, ensuring data security, and rectifying what went wrong. 

Identifying The Problem

To understand the existing problem, you will first need to identify it. Offboarding surveys and interviews are extremely crucial for the future improvement of your company. If an employee leaves on their own account, it is best to understand the root of the problem. It may be a different job with better terms. In such a case, you can compare what the new employer is offering to your company's package. 

If the employee leaves due to dissatisfaction at the workplace, you have two choices. You can either try to retain the employee or immediately take steps to fix the root causes. Or, you can accept the resignation and mitigate the issues over time. The HR department should create an offboarding plan specially curated for remote employees. It should always reveal the reason behind leaving employment. In case the reason relates to the work culture, it will be helpful to start taking conscious action for the same.  

Ensuring Data Security

During the offboarding process, an employee leaves after significant experience in your daily operations. They know about your work culture and the tech you use for optimum results. Therefore, it is best to protect your interest by ensuring data security. Data security is essential during offboarding and cannot be ignored. You need to collect your equipment from the employee's location for the same reason. 

It is also important to ensure that employees are not using the equipment for personal use. Legal requirements and compliance will ensure that your data is protected. It is helpful to keep the employees aware of your data security measures. For software developers, cancel all subscriptions under their name as soon as possible. It will prevent misuse and save you extra expenditure. Similarly, make sure that their username and password for login expire after the offboarding is complete. 

Rectifying The Issues

Rectification can happen after the offboarding. It includes assessing negative trends and improving the work culture. For example, if employee satisfaction is the issue, you can take systematic steps to ameliorate the employee experience. Increasing employee satisfaction will increase your staff turnover and in turn will help in employee retention. Rectifying the issues that a remote employee feels will be beneficial for the workforce that works on-site as well and vice versa. The professional relationship ends with the offboarding process but it can lead to a constructive result. 

The Takeaway

A remote employee is a crucial asset to your team. They reduce expenditure and lead to profit for your company. From onboarding to offboarding, the company should be present for the assistance of their employees. The onboarding process helps build loyalty in remote employees and boosts retention. Offboarding remote employees helps companies understand their work ethics better and take constructive steps to improve. Offboarding requires protecting the interests of the company and ending the relationship with your employees on a positive note. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is The Benefit Of Hiring Remote Developers?

The key benefit of hiring remote developers is that their geographical location does not matter. They are trained professionals who can deliver quality work on time. Remote developers have the same roles and responsibilities as that of a developer working on site. These may vary based on the project requirement.

What Is Outsourcing For Remote Developers?

Outsourcing is when a business hires a developer or a team to complete a project. The hiring is on a contractual basis for the duration of the project. As a result, it reduces operational costs for the company.

Why Is The Offboarding Process Important?

The offboarding process is vital to understand existing issues in the company. It can help the company with future employee retention and prevent data theft from offboarded employees. In addition, a well-planned offboarding process can improve staff turnover and overall satisfaction. 

Ishaan Gupta

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