Ishaan Gupta

Best Practices To Hire Offshore Developers

To hire suitable offshore developers, you must know some best practices. Read this comprehensive guide to learn about them in detail.
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With technological advancement, every company wants to improve its software applications. It is only possible when they have the best software developers. In the past few years, the demand for software developers has increased. However, hiring full-time professionals might be costly for startup companies. 

In this case, offshore development is the only solution for your needs. You can easily hire offshore developers for agency in simple steps. They are experienced, have affordable services,  can quickly build web applications, etc. Well, in short, they are beneficial in every aspect. All you have to do is adopt best practices to hire offshore developers. 

There are different ways to hire offshore developers India. Some consider searching for them on online platforms, while others take help from references. You can choose any method, but it depends on your convenience. So, make sure to consider everything before making such a decision. 

Nowadays, more owners want to know how to hire offshore developers for a startup. As mentioned earlier, you can follow some practices. Let's discuss them in detail. But first, you should understand more about offshore development. 

What Is Offshore Development?

Offshore development is the process that involves collaborating with a company in an outside country or region. You can either select offshore developers working individually or with a team. 

The primary reason why small businesses consider hiring offshore developers is their cost. They cannot afford software developers on a full-time basis as they demand high compensation. So, the best option is offshore development. 

Offshore developers charge a low price as compared to onsite developers. It is because they live in a country or region with low living expenses. The overall wages are also a little bit less than in other locations. Different countries have varied costs for hiring these professionals. You can check out some best sites to hire offshore developers to know more about the prices. A detailed comparison can help you get a perfect deal under your budget. 

Why Should You Hire Offshore Developers? 

You should hire offshore developers for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, some businesses believe that offshore development is not beneficial. It is a misconception. Therefore, you should always consider consuming the proof or facts regarding the same. Here are some of the reasons to hire offshore developers for agency. 

Low-Cost Services 

If you have a startup business, giving high compensation to the employees is not possible. Sometimes, it becomes impossible even to afford full-time workers. So, the only option for you is to get software development services through outsourcing or freelancing. 

With the rise in demand for software developers, there has been a significant increase in their salaries. Also, note that there is also a shortage of highly-qualified developers. 

Therefore, it is better to find the best offshore developers and work with them. They request a lower rate for providing services. Besides, you can save your resources for future purposes. All this makes offshore developers a suitable choice for startup companies. 

Enhance Productivity 

One of the most important goals of a company is to improve productivity. There is a constant need to find ways to become more productive. And you can fulfil this by hiring offshore developers. 

Building web applications is not easy for everyone. A lot of things come into play while working on them. Only offshore developers can understand the same. They handle all the tasks so effectively and efficiently that a company doesn't need to oversee the work every time.   

This way, startups can focus on other projects other than software development. All this contributes to increasing the productivity of an organisation 

Get Services From Highly-Qualified Professionals 

Offshore developers are highly-qualified. They work on different projects for diverse companies. So, their level of knowledge and expertise is pretty impressive. That is one of the reasons that make them suitable for work according to some companies. 

Software development needs to be done with precision. The developers must know how to use various tools to ease the process. It might be challenging to find professionals having this quality, especially if you are looking for full-time employees. It is easier when searching for offshore developers as they are highly qualified. 

Large Talent Pool 

Another benefit of choosing offshore development is that it offers a large talent pool. You can get access to the same by simply researching. This talent pool allows companies to hire professionals according to their projects. So, even with specific requirements, you can proceed with the search. 

Improved Scalability And Flexibility 

An excellent thing about offshore developers is that they understand the needs of a company. Due to this, companies find it more convenient to improve scalability and flexibility.

Startup businesses get the most advantage out of offshore development. As professionals adjust themselves according to the company's needs, there is no pressure. They work by keeping the requirements in their mind. As a result, there is more flexibility and scalability. Both of them contribute to the growth. 

Fast And Efficient Software Development 

Developing applications involves a lot of complexities, and onsite developers usually take a long time to complete the same. However, it is not the case with offshore developers. As they are already experienced enough, they create applications quickly and efficiently. 

Faster creation of applications helps startup companies to market their products in the market. It is essential in the initial stages to gain attention from people and acquire potential customers. With better quality products or services, you can expect a boost in your business' growth. 

Office staff collaborating on a project
Source: Unsplash 

What Are The Best Practices To Hire Offshore Developers? 

Finding professional offshore developers is not that difficult if you adopt some practices. Just like any other type of hiring, it also includes following some strategies. Once you grasp them entirely, you won't have to deal with problems. 

We have curated a list of essential tips that you can follow to have a successful hiring of offshore developers. 

Consider Your Requirements 

The first and most significant thing is to determine your requirements. It might be for a short-term or long-term project. It is always better to be precise when identifying your needs. Otherwise, the offshore developers won't understand what you expect from their work. 

Your requirements for offshore developers must be detailed enough to match them with potential candidates. This way, it becomes convenient to find the best ones quickly. 

But how can you identify the conditions for hiring offshore developers? First, you must comprehend the project you want to allot to them. You have to discover the skills and expertise related to the project. Once you find them out, you can match them with potential candidates. Individuals with the required skills and expertise are perfect for your company. 

Also, don't forget to create a project description to highlight the requirements. It increases the chances of attracting suitable candidates. 

Select A Suitable Country Or Region 

Offshore developers are spread across different countries or regions in the world. So, selecting a suitable destination also plays a significant role in hiring them. Some factors, such as language, culture, cost, time zone, etc., must be considered when choosing a location. As a result, you can work with offshore developers without any complexities.

Research In Detail 

Some offshore developers work individually, while others work with an outsourcing company. You can choose any of them according to your needs, budget, and other related things. 

But before hiring the professionals, it is necessary to conduct extensive research. It is impossible to understand their potential and reliability without enough information. 

You can gain information about offshore developers or companies with essential tips. You can read clients' reviews, check their portfolios or previous projects, and match the cost with your budget. All these things matter in the hiring process because they reveal the quality of their services. 

Assess The Communication Skills 

Offshore development involves a great deal of communication with the professionals. There should be effective communication between you and the offshore developers to ensure better results. So, how can you achieve the same? Well, you have to assess their communication skills before selecting them. It is the only way to determine whether they can work with you efficiently. 

Every offshore developer must possess excellent communication skills. They are necessary to comprehend the expectations of their partner while working on a project. 

You can evaluate their communication skills in different ways. However, the most effective one is conducting an interview. Also, you must always select potential candidates for an interview. It might save you time and effort. 

Search On A Reliable Online Platform 

Online services have streamlined the process of hiring offshore developers. There is a wide variety of platforms where you can find the best professionals. Some examples are LinkedIn, Upwork, Toptal, Belatrix, Intechnic, Guru, etc. 

While searching for offshore developers, you have to keep a few things in your mind. First, you should always check their profile descriptions. As some accounts have fake information, you must be careful. Apart from that, you need to have a look at their portfolio. It might reveal the quality of work they usually provide to their clients. 

Shortlist Offshore Developers

It is crucial to shortlist the candidates before conducting interviews. You can briefly compare different offshore developers to select a few from them. After preparing the shortlist, you can begin conducting interviews. 

Shortlisting potential candidates can make your interview procedure more straightforward. The overall time also gets reduced. Therefore, it is one of the best practices to hire offshore developers. 

Share Clear Instructions 

Offshore developers select projects according to the instructions provided. That is why you need to create proper documentation mentioning these things. With this information, professionals can understand what you expect from them. And finally, decide whether they want to collaborate with you or not. As a result, you only get to connect with the right offshore developers for your company. 

Ask For References 

A good professional network might help you get excellent references for offshore development. So, if you have one, you can start asking for references. Apart from that, you can also consider references from your family and friends. Sometimes, they can also be an excellent fit for your projects. 

Build A Communication Plan 

Developing a communication plan is also necessary for various reasons. Reliable offshore developers only select companies with a communication plan. As it is a significant part of offshore development, it should match the preferences of both company and the professional. Otherwise, working on a project might become stressful for both parties. 

Online interview with a candidate
Source: Unsplash

The Takeaway 

The offshore development industry is growing exponentially. But the astonishing fact is that nobody thought it would become significant one day. 

As offshore developers provide many benefits to startups and big companies alike, demand will continue to increase. If you plan to hire them, adopt the best practices discussed above. These practices are straightforward to implement, even for beginners. So, what are you waiting for? Begin your hiring procedure right now. 


What Things To Consider Before Hiring Offshore Developers?

There are several things to consider when hiding offshore developers. These include cultural and language barriers, time, variations, skills and expertise, cost, etc. 

What Is The Hourly Rate For Offshore Developers?

The hourly rate for offshore developers is around $10-$25 for beginners and $40-$50 for experts. The hourly cost also varies according to the location and other factors. 

What Are The Reasons To Hire Offshore Developers? 

The reasons to hire offshore developers are: they are available at affordable rates, faster and better software development, an immense talent pool, enhanced productivity, improved flexibility and scalability. It depends on your requirements to consider hiring them. 

How To Hire Offshore Developers For A Startup?

You can hire offshore developers for a startup by following some straightforward steps. These include identifying your requirements, requesting references, searching online platforms, reviewing potential candidates, interviewing selected offshore developers, and finally, signing contracts. 

Ishaan Gupta

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