Ishaan Gupta

A Beginner’s Guide to Creating the Best Back-End Developer Portfolio

Building a back-end developer portfolio takes a lot of work. It would help if you put enough effort into making it appealing to employers and hiring managers.
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Have you been thinking of building a back-end developer portfolio? If yes, make sure to add the important sections such as the homepage, skills page, resume, and projects page. Also, please update your portfolio website after every few months to stay relevant in this competitive market.

To create an impressive back-end developer portfolio or improve the one you already have, please review the article below. It delineates the entire procedure. In addition, you become acquainted with the chief components of back-end developer frameworks and the steps that make them appealing to potential clients and hiring managers.

What Should a Back-End Web Developer Portfolio Have?

The presence of certain Back-end developer frameworks in your portfolio can make the best first impression and help you accomplish optimal outcomes.Make sure it has the following four elements – homepage, skills page, projects page, and resume. For details, please continue reading.


You get around 2 seconds to capture every visitor’s attention before they move away. Thus, having a stellar homepage is mandatory. Inform your visitors who you are and how you will help to resolve their issues quickly. 

Use a contrasting font and a dark mode to emphasize your expertise and experience. Have clear sections for languages and tools and genuine social media profiles for contact.

Skills Page

You can include the knowledge you have gathered over the years on the skills page. A couple of technical aspects you must mention are as follows –

  • Coding Skills: Show if you understand programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. Also, could you specify how you execute them?
  • Visual Design: Knowing UI and UX provides you with a competitive edge.
  • Tools Proficiency: It refers to your capability to use different website development tools.

You must also describe the soft skills you possess:

  • Adaptability: Portray your eagerness to learn. List the different techniques and tools you have mastered.
  • Problem-Solving: Apart from coding, website developers spend hours searching for and fixing bugs. As a consequence, displaying your capacity to resolve complex problems is necessary.
  • Communication: Refer to your capacity to communicate and collaborate with website designers, other developers, and SEO specialists.

Projects Page

The main purpose of a portfolio is to showcase your work. So, please mention only your most unique and best projects. Every entry must have the following –

  • Background: Review the coding process, timeframe, and tools utilized in the projects.
  • Brief Description: Explain the name and purpose of your website.
  • Visual Representation: Add videos and screenshots of the final product. Include links to real websites.

The projects do not need to be complex. A single page is enough to showcase your skills.


Although your portfolio can act as a CV, you must write a compelling resume too. The resume must summarize your educational background, experience, and achievements. To get an interview, please implement the below tips –

  • Consider the User Experience: To enhance user experience, please opt for a simple layout, concise copy, and readable font.
  • Optimize Using Relevant Keywords: Because of several applications, recruiters will use an applicant tracking solution to filter the resumes. Optimize your resume with development-related tools.
  • Incorporate Personality: Adding character to the resume can help you connect with companies seamlessly.

Source: Freepik

ALT-Text: Backend Development Tools

How to Create a Back-End Web Developer Portfolio With Zero Experience?

The experts providing back-end developer frameworks recommend compiling a portfolio with zero experience, you must carry out the below additional steps.

Build Personal Brand

It would help if you established credibility and trust as a developer to build a personal brand. Check this out to land a high paying job in the software development field

Branding is not about appealing design but about conveying your values to employers. Below are a few actionable tips for implementing –

  • Be Aware of the Market: Conduct thorough research to know your visitors’ characteristics, goals, and challenges. Evaluate your competitors to find gaps you will be able to fill.

  • Develop Exclusive Selling Points: Based on research, find out what distinguishes you from other back-end developers. You must explain how your services can solve your client’s issues.

  • Promote the Brand: Showcase your expertise through different platforms like YouTube videos, blogs, online communities, and podcasts.

  • Have a Positive Reputation: Have you worked with clients before? If yes, include their feedback in your portfolio. Social proof is an extremely strong marketing strategy.

  • Maintain Consistency: Use the same color palette, avatar, and username across all the platforms. In this way, you can create a powerful and recognizable brand.

Join Online Courses

Joining online courses and procuring certifications is the best way to show your visitors that you are continuously evolving. YouTube is a great starting point. Here, you can access plenty of website development videos. If you like structured courses, please use platforms like Udemy and Coursera.

Coursera provides CSS, JavaScript, and HTML courses. These include:

  • The basics of programming languages
  • Implementing CSS and HTML into the webpages
  • Coding the webpages to fit a computer and mobile screens
  • Building seamless applications with JavaScript

Look Out for New Projects

After acquiring skills, please start working on actual projects to gain experience. Look for opportunities on freelance sites.

Click on online job listings to find comprehensive information like technical skills, hourly rate, client ratings, and development proposals. Then, to apply for a project, please click ‘submit proposal.’

Another way to acquire personal projects is to create websites for nonprofit or charity organizations in your locality. These projects help you build an optimal portfolio and make you capable of handling a wide range of clients.

You can also create websites for clients that do not exist. For beginners, we recommend you make a website using content management systems such as WordPress since it is flexible and has a narrow learning curve. After you have gained experience, try to code a website from scratch.  

Apply for Internships

If you wish to gain experience in the corporate sector, apply for an internship. Many companies nowadays are looking for interns. Grab this opportunity to understand the network and workspace. A company can appoint you as a website developer if you perform well. You can filter internships based on the compensation (unpaid or paid) and commitment (part-time or full-time). Check this out to know how long it takes to hire a developer. 

Be Active on the Social Media Platforms

Being active on social media allows you to connect with other back-end web developers, industry professionals, and hiring managers. A few practices for every platform are as follows –

  • Stack Overflow: On this online forum, you can clear your doubts and answer website development queries. This is the best way to display your knowledge and network with experts.

  • LinkedIn: Enhance your profile using relevant keywords. You can link your portfolio on your LinkedIn profile. This way, the recruiters can access it whenever they want.

  • GitHub: It is an open-source forum where web developers collaborate and exhibit their work. Contributing to such a project helps you make connections and gain experience.

Source: Freepik

ALT-Text: Backend Development Tools

How to Create a Back-End Web Developer Portfolio With Experience?

The experts offering back-end developer frameworks said many web developers might believe a resume is enough to attract jobs. But that’s not the case. With the website development industry growing quickly, many individuals have become interested in this field. Thus, creating a portfolio is necessary to stand out.

Check If the Code Works

Some employers may cautiously examine your website’s back end and check how it is built. They need to ensure that the source is neat.

Review the website portfolio weekly to see if all the images, buttons, links, and pages are functioning properly. It would help if you were the first to notice the problems, not a potential employer or a hiring manager. Responsive design is necessary. Use tools to see how a website looks across various screen sizes.

Display the Best Projects

Adding all the projects you have done to your portfolio is easy. But it is best to include only the projects where you feel you have worked best.

Hiring managers will only have time to review some of the twenty projects you have done. Instead, they will look for projects that suit their goals and industry trends. So, gather a tiny selection of your most recent and best possible projects in varied fields. That way, you would distinguish the recruiters from excessive listings or appear less experienced.

Share Motivation

Instead of sending your resume and screenshots of your work, share the challenges and motivation behind each development project. Then, guide the recruiters through the process you follow when developing sites. That’s better than showing results. This approach allows hiring managers to analyze your creativity, thinking process, and problem-solving. Have a technical and casual tone so that people from varied backgrounds can easily understand it.

Create Customized Pages

Besides a home page, skills page, and projects page, the experienced web developer must add customized pages to make their website stand out. Some of the pages are as follows –

  • Blog Pages: Write tutorials to display your expertise. A blog can also drive immense traffic to a website, especially if you implement the best SEO tactics.

  • Testimonials: Collect what past employers and clients have said about your services. Place them in your portfolio. This helps persuade recruiters that you are fit for their organization.

  • FAQ: Look for questions frequently asked about website development. Answer them on a separate page. People may find the answers helpful and become your client.

If you want to wait to create a customized page, change the existing web pages first. Experiment with styles, fonts, navigation, etc., as even a tiny difference can capture the employer’s attention.

Pay Attention to User Experience

User experience is necessary for all websites. Your portfolio must be easy to use, read, and navigate. Implement a simple interface and information architecture so visitors can quickly find essential data, like your projects page and contacts.

Mention the Awards or Special Recognition

Have you ever written for renowned tech blogs? Did you win hackathons or related contests? Did you present meetings at any big conferences? These other special achievements must be added to the online website. They help you set yourself apart from competitors. Also, everyone likes to be on top. So, this is the best way to inform people about your wins without bragging. 


The professionals offering the best back-end developer frameworks say having an appealing portfolio is necessary. It exhibits your creativity and capacity to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

The above article has covered all the actionable steps in creating impressive back-end developer portfolios – portfolios that can attract potential clients and employers, whether or not you have prior experience. 

Change the portfolio when you gain experience, learn new skills, or work on new projects. Then, set aside a bit of time to update the website. We hope this discussion will let you land a web developer job quickly. All the Best!

Frequently Asked Questions

The experts providing top-notch back-end developer frameworks said to create a portfolio, you must know the answers to the below frequently asked questions.

Does a Back End Website Developer Require a Portfolio?

Yes, back-end website developers need a portfolio. It showcases their versatility and quality. In addition, well-designed portfolios can successfully attract clients as well as employees. Your portfolio website is one of many ways employers can learn about you and the services you offer.

Portfolios are significant as they give you a place to list your experience and contextualize it with exceptional detail. A resume with bullet points would not allow that.

Where Must a Back-End Website Developer Portfolio Be Hosted?

There are plenty of ways to host a portfolio online. For example, you can use platforms such as Behance and GitHub. That said, a portfolio ensures freedom and flexibility.

To start, please choose an appropriate hosting plan from a reliable provider. It is better to opt for a shared hosting plan since it is reasonably priced and simple. Upgrade to a professional plan if you can scale the projects.

How to Build a Portfolio When You Do Not Have Time?

If you need more time to build a portfolio website, please rely on the themes available online. You may even look into specific templates. This makes the process easier.

Ishaan Gupta

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